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High Employee Turnover Rate? Causes and How to Reduce it

Hong Yuan
by Hong Yuan
Sep 04, 2024 at 5:22 PM

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Employee turnover is a significant concern for many businesses, especially in Malaysia's competitive job market. High turnover rates can lead to increased costs, decreased productivity, and a negative impact on company culture. Understanding the causes and implementing strategies to reduce turnover is essential for maintaining a stable and effective workforce.

High Turnover Rate Definition

A high turnover rate refers to the percentage of employees who leave a company and need to be replaced within a specific period, typically a year. While some turnover is natural and even beneficial, a high turnover rate can indicate underlying issues within the organization. It often suggests that employees are dissatisfied with their work environment, compensation, or career prospects.


High Turnover Rate Causes

Understanding the causes of high turnover is crucial for addressing the issue. Some common factors include:

1. Lack of Career Development Opportunities:

  • Employees often seek roles that allow them to grow, develop new skills, and advance their careers. When a company lacks clear career progression paths, employees may feel stagnant or underappreciated, leading them to seek opportunities elsewhere where they can achieve their long-term career goals.
  • Example: A talented marketing executive might leave if they feel there is no opportunity to move into a senior management position or diversify their skills into areas like digital marketing or data analysis.

2. Inadequate Compensation and Benefits:

  • Compensation is one of the primary motivators for employees. When salaries are below market standards or when benefits such as healthcare, retirement plans, and bonuses are lacking, employees are more likely to look for better offers. Moreover, when employees feel that their hard work is not fairly rewarded, it leads to dissatisfaction.
  • Example: An IT professional might leave a company offering minimal benefits if another company offers a competitive salary, comprehensive health coverage, and professional development allowances.

3. Poor Management Practices:

  • Effective leadership is crucial for employee satisfaction. Poor management practices, such as micromanagement, lack of transparency, and inconsistent feedback, can create a stressful and demotivating work environment. Employees need to feel supported and valued by their managers to remain engaged and committed.
  • Example: An employee may quit if their manager frequently changes project goals without clear communication, leading to frustration and a sense of instability.

4. Work-Life Imbalance:

  • Employees increasingly prioritize work-life balance, seeking roles that allow them to maintain their well-being alongside their professional responsibilities. Excessive workloads, long hours, and lack of flexibility can lead to burnout, prompting employees to leave in search of a healthier balance.
  • Example: A customer service representative might leave if they are consistently required to work late hours or weekends without sufficient rest or personal time.

5. Cultural Mismatch:

  • Company culture plays a significant role in employee retention. When employees feel that their personal values, work styles, or social needs do not align with the company's culture, they may feel disconnected and uncomfortable, leading to higher turnover.
  • Example: An employee who values collaboration and team spirit might leave a company that emphasizes individual competition and high-pressure performance metrics.

High turnover rate


Examples of High-Turnover Jobs

Certain industries and job roles tend to have higher turnover rates due to the nature of the work, industry standards, or external factors. Examples of high-turnover jobs include:

  • Retail and Hospitality: Jobs in these sectors often involve long hours, low pay, and high stress, leading to frequent employee exits.
  • Call Centers: High-pressure environments and repetitive tasks can result in quick burnout, contributing to high turnover rates.
  • Entry-Level Positions: These roles are often seen as stepping stones, leading employees to leave once they gain experience or find better opportunities.


Ways to Reduce High Turnover

Reducing employee turnover requires a strategic approach tailored to the specific needs of the organization. Here are some effective ways to reduce turnover:

1. Offer Competitive Compensation and Benefits:

  • Conduct regular market surveys to ensure that your compensation packages are competitive. Beyond salary, consider offering benefits like performance bonuses, health insurance, retirement plans, wellness programs, and professional development opportunities. Tailor benefits to the needs of your workforce, which might include remote work options or flexible hours.
  • Implementation: Regularly review and adjust compensation packages to stay competitive. For example, if your industry is seeing a trend toward offering more work-from-home opportunities, consider implementing or expanding such options to attract and retain talent.

2. Invest in Employee Development:

  • Employees are more likely to stay with a company that invests in their growth. Offer training programs, workshops, and mentorship opportunities to help employees enhance their skills. Additionally, provide clear career paths with opportunities for advancement, including promotions, lateral moves, and role expansions.
  • Implementation: Create individualized development plans during performance reviews, outlining the steps needed for employees to achieve their career goals within the company. For example, an employee interested in leadership could be enrolled in a management training program.

3. Improve Management Practices:

  • Effective management practices are key to employee satisfaction. Encourage managers to engage in regular, open communication with their teams. Provide leadership training that focuses on empathy, conflict resolution, and effective feedback. Promote a culture of recognition where managers acknowledge and reward employees' hard work.
  • Implementation: Implement 360-degree feedback mechanisms where employees can provide anonymous feedback on their managers, helping to identify areas for improvement. For example, if feedback indicates a need for better communication, managers can receive targeted training to enhance this skill.

4. Enhance Work-Life Balance:

  • A healthy work-life balance is crucial for employee retention. Offer flexible working arrangements, such as remote work, flexible hours, or compressed workweeks. Encourage employees to take regular breaks and vacations. Foster a culture where taking time off for personal well-being is respected and encouraged.
  • Implementation: Introduce policies that support work-life balance, such as "no after-hours email" policies or mandatory time-off periods after long projects. For example, after completing a major project, allow employees to take a few days off to recharge.

5. Build a Positive Company Culture:

  • A strong, positive company culture can significantly reduce turnover. Focus on creating an inclusive environment where employees feel valued, respected, and part of a team. Encourage collaboration, celebrate diversity, and recognize achievements. Foster social connections through team-building activities, company events, and open-door policies.
  • Implementation: Regularly assess and refine your company culture through employee surveys and feedback sessions. For instance, if employees express a desire for more team-building activities, organize monthly social events or cross-departmental projects.


High employee turnover is a challenge that can significantly impact a company's performance and profitability. By understanding the causes and implementing targeted strategies, HR professionals, employers, and companies in Malaysia can reduce turnover rates, retain top talent, and foster a more productive and positive work environment. Addressing turnover proactively not only saves costs but also strengthens the overall stability and success of the business.



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