#Working Wisdom #Human Resources

How You Can Encourage Your Employees to Take Annual Leave

Mohamad Danial bin Ab Khalil
by Mohamad Danial bin Ab Khalil
Apr 15, 2022 at 11:59 PM

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When you're too busy thinking of the unfinished tasks and deadlines, you'd probably feel uncomfortable taking annual leave. Yet, all work and no play will tremendously affect your critical thinking and problem-solving skills. 

According to a study by Expedia, employees who take annual leave become happier and more productive. Holidays offer a lot of benefits for your employees and your organisation.


Why your employees should take unused annual leave

According to a survey in 2015, more than half of Malaysian workers don't finish their annual leave. Another study by Expedia found that 58% of workers worldwide feel holiday deprived in 2021.

When your employees don't take time off, it can affect their productivity and morale. Your organisation's financial liability will also be affected.

Another Expedia poll said that 91% of employees who take vacation time felt less stressed and more relaxed. 


5 ways to encourage your employees to take their annual leave

Since so many employees opt to forgo holidays, it is the managers' duty to ensure they get enough time to recuperate.

It can be crucial to keep track of your holiday policies as these issues could outweigh the benefits of having a workforce ready to remain at their work desk no matter what.

Here are five ways to encourage your employees to take a holiday leave:


1. Remind employees to schedule annual leave in advance

Have an open talk with your employees about their unused annual leave. Learn if they are planning any fun trips, and remind them to book their vacation as far in advance as possible so you can be ready for it. 

If you want them to take it seriously, you can send a formal email to your staff encouraging them to take annual leave. In the email, highlight the benefits of taking annual leave and remind your employees how to book their annual leave. 

Don't forget about the ongoing projects and deadlines. If the employee can't take a vacation, tell them about 'staycation'. One does not always need to go abroad for a holiday. A week at home can take the stress off of you. 

If they can't take a long break, a few long weekends can improve their well-being without affecting their performance.


2. Ensure there is a suitable cover

Employees always worry about taking annual leave because they will leave their tasks and new ones will come during their holiday. It would help if you worked with your staff to find a suitable solution. 

For instance, encourage your staff to finish as many tasks as possible and assign ongoing or priority ones to their coworkers. Enlist a few coworkers instead of one to help manage the workload more effectively. You can then feel assured that projects will be on track, and your employees will know that their work is left in capable hands. 

Handover notes or a meeting before the employee takes a leave can help too. It is an excellent chance to have a final update on the project's status, pending tasks, and location of relevant files and folders. It would be best to remind your staff to add an out-of-office to emails, including the names and contact info of those handling the work.


3. Encourage employees to turn off their gadgets during their leave

While your employees are on holiday, remind them to switch off. Nowadays, it can be tough to switch off completely with devices and social media. 

But, if the employee continues to check emails throughout their break, it is just as bad as not taking a break at all. Though an appropriate cover can help, suggest the employee to set ground rules. For instance, limit email check-ins to only once or twice daily, for 20 minutes maximum.


4. Energise your staff

Create a work environment where your staff can feel safe taking their annual leave. It will offer the chance to improve the productivity and mood of your workforce. It can also help you to manage your staff better. 

You can avoid last-minute leave requests by making it easier to apply for unused leave and respond to requests positively. 

Take a proactive stance and encourage your staff to make the most out of their holidays.


5. Help your employees ease back into work after holiday

It can take some time to readjust to your work life after a holiday. The employee will also have to return a lot of calls and emails. 

On the returning employee's first week back, try to avoid giving them many new projects or meetings. Otherwise, they may return and feel like they already need another break.



Most organisations often overlook the importance of taking unused annual leave. It results in employees feeling guilty for requesting leave or fearing the organisation will struggle without them. 

When you consider the pace at which employees move every day, attaining a work-life balance should be your main priority. 

Hence, ensure you do your part and motivate your employees to take their annual leave this year.