#Human Resources #Employer

How Your Employees are Affected by Poor Working Conditions

Mohamad Danial bin Ab. Khalil
by Mohamad Danial bin Ab. Khalil
Aug 26, 2020 at 4:06 PM

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You might be working in an office with an air conditioner, but that does not mean you are free from poor working conditions. Poor working conditions affect your productivity and make you dread going to work.  

Here are some poor working conditions that hurt productivity:


1. Poor lighting

Natural light is very crucial for employees. Many office workers spend most of their time indoors, so access to natural light is vital to stay productive. 

A survey even shows that access to natural light is the number one attribute workers want in their office environment. Some of the effects of poor lighting are eye strain, fatigue, and reduced productivity. 

According to the survey, 70% of employees said having access to natural light makes them more productive, and yet 33% said they felt they did not have enough access to natural light.

people working in an office
Natural light helps to improve your productivity.

2. Uncomfortable working conditions

It's not easy to focus when you're shivering or constantly fanning yourself to stay cool. This is identical to other issues such as wobbly desks and broken chairs which create poor working conditions that can become major distractions.

Uncomfortable working conditions stop your employees from concentrating on their job, thus unable to produce the best results. Over time, they can hurt morale and negatively impact the employee experience. 


3. Workplace processes that are inefficient 

As employers, we have a responsibility to look at our workplace processes and find ways to improve them. Usually, management and employees will accept a process based only on the phrase "this is how it's always been done." 

When you improve your workplace processes, you will make it easier for your employees to do their work. Now that your employees' work has become easier, they can now focus on becoming more productive.

Ask your employees this: "What workflow issues are slowing you down?" You'd be surprised at how much things can change with just a few simple tweaks and the automation of certain procedures. 


4. Terrible space utilisation

If your workers do not have enough space and resources to do their work, you are setting them to fail. It is not just about giving the right amount of space per person. 

Your employees need enough space to be able to work comfortably, but they also need the right mix of space to be productive. They need access to quiet spaces where they can concentrate on demanding tasks, as well as common areas designed for teamwork. 

If you already have these spaces, make sure the employees have an easy way to reserve them.

people working
Make sure your employees have enough space for meetings and collaborations.

5. Outdated workplace technology

Technology that is slow, outdated, or ineffective is frustrating to use. In time, that frustration can affect employee satisfaction and even drive them away.

According to this study, 58% of employees at organisations considered to be "technology laggards" (companies that use outdated technology) had negative feelings towards their employer.

Outdated tech also hurts everyone's productivity in a big way. For instance, when you use an outdated application for hosting meetings, you will probably encounter so many bugs and glitches that will take time for everyone to properly communicate with each other. You do not want to waste your employees' time with that.


In this employee-centric market, your top performers won't put up with poor working conditions for long. But if you create a great working environment, many top performers from other organisations will want to work for you.

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Source: iOffice

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