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Impactful Performance Review Phrases: Tips and Example

Adinda Pryanka
by Adinda Pryanka
Oct 07, 2024 at 6:26 PM

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Performance reviews are a regular part of work life. They help employees see what they’re doing well and where to improve. For companies, they make sure everyone is on the same page and moving towards the same goals. 

In short, performance reviews are about helping people grow and making the company better. 

One of the most important parts of a performance review is the words you use. The phrases you choose can make a big difference in how someone feels about their feedback. 

Well-chosen phrases can motivate employees, boost their morale, and help them get better at their jobs. In this article, we’ll look at why these phrases matter, examples of phrases to use for different skills, and tips for giving feedback that helps people grow. 


Definition of Performance Reviews

A performance review is a check-in where managers look at how well an employee has been doing at their job over a certain period. 

It’s a formal process where employers evaluate performance across various areas, from how well tasks are completed to collaboration with the team.

No matter the role, whether they’re in sales, customer service, engineering, or management, these reviews help them provide meaningful feedback. 

Performance reviews should ideally be done in a private, comfortable setting. It can be done in person or via video call, where open discussion can happen without distraction. 

They’re typically conducted annually or bi-annually, but some companies also do quarterly check-ins for more regular feedback. 

The review should be scheduled ahead of time, giving both the manager and employee time to prepare. 

During the review, it’s important to focus on specific examples of performance, discuss goals, and provide constructive feedback, all while encouraging a two-way conversation for better engagement. 


Purpose and Importance of Performance Reviews

Performance reviews are crucial for several reasons:

1. Employee development

They offer employees a chance to grow by identifying areas for improvement, whether it’s enhancing technical skills, communication, leadership, or time management. 

Whether someone is in a customer service role, marketing, tech, or management, performance reviews help pinpoint specific metrics tied to their role. 

2. Improved performance

For different job roles, reviews focus on various metrics. For example, a sales associate may be evaluated on meeting sales targets and customer interactions, while an engineer might be assessed on problem-solving skills and project completion. The review process ensures feedback is relevant and helps boost overall job performance. 

3. Driving company success

Performance reviews aren’t just about individual performance. They are about ensuring everyone’s efforts contribute to the bigger company goals. 

By providing clear feedback and setting new targets, we ensure that every team member knows where they stand and how they can keep growing in ways that benefit them and the company. 


Impact of Effective Performance Review Phrases

Performance review phrases play a big role in how feedback is delivered and received. Clear, constructive feedback helps employees understand their strengths and areas for improvement, which leads to better overall performance. 

The words you choose can affect how motivated someone feels and how well they continue to do their job. Here’s why these phrases are so important:

1. Clear feedback boosts understanding

Specific phrases make it easier for employees to know exactly what they’re doing well and where they can improve. 

2. Impacts morale and motivation

Positive, well-chosen phrases can uplift an employee’s mood and make them feel appreciated, which often leads to better productivity. 

3. Avoids confusion

Using vague or unclear language can lead to misunderstandings, frustration and lower performance. 

4. Encourages open communication

Thoughtful phrases create a more collaborative atmosphere during reviews, making it easier to discuss challenges and goals. 

5. Sets clear expectations

Specific feedback helps employees know what’s expected of them, guiding them toward better performance and career growth. 

Performance review

Key Performance Review Areas and Suggested Feedback Phrases

Here are key performance review areas along with three example phrases for each, designed to cover a wide range of job roles and performance metrics. There are some tips on what to emphasize when giving feedback, ensuring the feedback is effective and allowing for a more comprehensive performance review process.

Communication skills

What to emphasize

  • Focus on how clearly and effectively the employee conveys information.
  • Highlight both verbal and written communication, especially if their role involves presentations, reports or client interactions. 
  • Encourage active listening and clarity in delivering instructions or updates.


  • “You effectively communicate complex ideas during presentations, making it easy for team members and clients to understand.”
  • “I appreciate how you provide timely updates on project status, which keeps everyone informed and aligned. “
  • “Your written reports are clear and concise, demonstrating your ability to convey important information in an accessible way. “



What to emphasize

  • Highlight how well they work within a team, support colleagues and contribute to group projects. 
  • Emphasize their willingness to share ideas and work toward common goals. 
  • Recognize any efforts they make to create an inclusive, collaborative environment. 


  • “You actively engage in team discussions, contributing valuable insights that enhance our collective decision-making process.”
  • “Your willingness to assist others on their projects fosters a strong sense of collaboration and unity within the team.”
  • “You show great respect for diverse perspectives, which encourages an inclusive environment where everyone feels valued.”


Leadership skills

What to emphasize

  • Focus on their ability to lead by example, inspire others, and guide the team toward goals. 
  • Highlight how they handle challenges, make decisions, and support the development of team members. 
  • Recognize any mentoring or coaching they’ve done, especially for newer employees. 


  • “You take initiative in guiding team projects, demonstrating strong leadership that inspires your peers to follow your lead.”
  • “Your ability to mentor junior team members has significantly contributed to their growth and development within the company.”
  • “You create a positive team atmosphere by acknowledging individual contributions, which boosts morale and motivates everyone to perform at their best.”


Problem-solving and critical thinking

What to emphasise

  • Focus on their ability to analyze issues, come up with effective solutions and take initiative in addressing problems. 
  • Highlight how they think critically and approach problems from different angles. 
  • Emphasise their capacity to remain calm under pressure and guide others through challenges. 


  • “You approach challenges with a solution-oriented mindset, often finding innovative ways to overcome obstacles.”
  • “Your analytical skills allow you to break down complex problems into manageable parts, making it easier for the team to tackle them.”
  • “You consistently demonstrate the ability to remain calm under pressure, effectively guiding the team through unexpected issues.”


Productivity and time management

What to emphasize

  • Highlight their ability to prioritize tasks, manage deadlines, and maintain consistent productivity. 
  • Focus on how effectively they balance multiple projects or responsibilities. 
  • Recognize any improvements they’ve made in managing their time and meeting goals. 


  • “You consistently meet your deadlines while producing high-quality work, showcasing your strong time management skills.”
  • “I admire how you prioritize tasks effectively, ensuring that the most critical projects receive the attention they deserve.”
  • “Your ability to balance multiple projects simultaneously while maintaining focus demonstrates excellent organizational skills and dedication.”


Best practices for writing performance review phrases

When writing performance review phrases, it’s important to make sure your feedback is clear, constructive and actionable. Here are some best practices to ensure your comments are effective and empowering, helping employees feel encouraged to keep growing in their roles:

1. Be specific and avoid vague language

Instead of generic statements like “You’re doing a good job”, focus on specific achievements or actions. For example, say “You’ve consistently met your project deadlines, contributing to the team’s success.”

Specific feedback gives employees a clear understanding of what they’re doing well or where they need to improve. 

2. Focus on behavior and outcomes, not personal traits

Keep the feedback centered on what the employee has done, not on their personality. Instead of saying, “You’re a natural leader,” phrase it as, “You demonstrated strong leadership by guiding the team through a challenging project.”

This approach helps employees understand the connection between their actions and the result they have achieved. 

3. Use phrases that encourage growth and improvement

Aim to motivate employees by highlighting areas for growth. For example, “You’ve done well managing daily tasks. Going forward, consider taking more initiative on long-term projects.”

Balanced feedback, acknowledging strengths while pointing out opportunities for improvement, show that you’re invested in their development. 

4. Be mindful of cultural sensitivities, especially in Malaysian workspace

In a multicultural setting like Malaysia, consider the tone and phrasing of your feedback. Be respectful and avoid being overly critical or confrontational. For instance, using softeners like “It might be helpful to…” or “One thing to consider…” can make constructive criticism easier to digest. 

And, avoid making assumptions based on cultural or personal backgrounds. Ensure your feedback is fair and unbiased.

5. Highlight contributions in team settings

Since teamwork is highly valued in many workplaces, emphasize collaborative efforts. Say, “Your ability to collaborate with team members has improved our workflow,” instead of focusing too much on individual results. 

This not only boosts morale but also reinforces the importance of collective success in a team environment. 

6. Elaborate feedback to company or team goals

Whenever possible, link the employee’s performance to broader company objectives. For instance, “Your focus on improving efficiency helped us reduce project turnaround time, aligning with our goal to optimize processes.”

This demonstrates how their role fits into the bigger picture, making feedback more meaningful. 


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How often should performance reviews take place?

Performance reviews should ideally be conducted annually or semi-annually, depending on the company’s structure. However, incorporating regular check-ins, like monthly or quarterly feedback sessions, can help keep employees on track and ensure consistent communication about their progress. 

2. What’s the most effective way to give constructive criticism?

Constructive criticism works best when it’s specific, delivered in a respectful tone, and focused on behaviors or actions rather than personal traits. It’s essential to balance critique with positive feedback to avoid discouraging the employee and to encourage growth. 

3. How can performance review phrases help in employee growth?

Thoughtfully crafted phrases can direct employees toward areas where they can improve while also reinforcing what they’re doing well. 

For example, mentioning strengths followed by suggestions for further development promotes a growth mindset and motivates continuous learning. 

4. Is it possible to customize performance review phrases to fit our company’s goals?

Absolutely. Tailoring phrases to align with your company’s objectives makes feedback more relevant and actionable. 

For instance, if your organization is focusing on innovation, you might highlight how an employee contributed to new ideas or process improvements. 

5. How do I ensure that performance reviews are fair and unbiased?

Fairness in performance reviews can be achieved by using specific, evidence-based feedback rather than relying on general impressions. It’s also helpful to gather feedback from multiple sources, such as peers or clients, to avoid bias. 



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