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Internship Interview Questions to ask Candidates

Cheng Zhe Ying
by Cheng Zhe Ying
Jun 28, 2024 at 6:39 PM

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If you're overwhelmed by tedious tasks and small projects, hiring an intern could be beneficial.

During candidate interviews, focus on questions that reveal high achievers who align with your company culture. Interns may lack experience or certain skills, but effective questioning can pinpoint those genuinely interested in your company and capable of executing tasks accurately and efficiently.

Virtual interviews are increasingly popular, offering expanded candidate reach in today's digital age. This approach simplifies the interview process, allowing seamless resume review, assessment, and feedback sharing among hiring teams. Access this feature through your Employer Dashboard to schedule and manage interviews in one place, streamlining your recruitment efforts.

Use these internship interview questions to find and hire outstanding interns.


Top Internship Interview Questions to ask Candidates

Why did you choose your field of study?

This question serves as an icebreaker, allowing candidates to discuss their motivations, background, and career aspirations.

Example Response: "I chose to study Business because it offers a diverse range of skills such as finance, operations, IT, strategy, and customer relations. My long-term goal is to earn an MBA and pursue a career as a management consultant, leveraging these skills to solve complex business challenges."


What are you looking for in an internship?

Understanding what candidates hope to gain from the internship helps assess their expectations and alignment with the role.

Example Response: "I am particularly interested in gaining hands-on experience in online marketing, especially in managing and analyzing email marketing campaigns. My goal for this internship is to execute a successful email campaign and analyze key performance metrics like open and click-through rates."


What interests you about our company?

This question explores candidates' knowledge of and interest in your organization, evaluating their research and fit with your company culture.

Example Response: "I am impressed by your company's innovative culture and commitment to community involvement, as evidenced by your recent sustainability initiatives and employee volunteer programs. I am eager to contribute to and grow within such a dynamic environment."


Tell me about a time when you demonstrated leadership skills.

Even without prior professional experience, candidates can draw on academic, extracurricular, or volunteer roles to showcase their leadership abilities.

Example Response: "In my role as team lead at a retail store during the holiday season, I faced high turnover and customer service challenges. I implemented a structured break schedule to prevent burnout among team members and collaborated with management to recognize and reward employees who took on additional responsibilities, resulting in reduced turnover rates compared to other store departments."


How do you manage multiple projects simultaneously?

This question assesses candidates' organizational skills and ability to prioritize tasks effectively, crucial for managing workload during an internship.

Example Response: "I am actively involved in various academic and extracurricular activities, which requires careful planning and time management. I allocate dedicated time slots for each project, ensuring consistent progress and timely completion of tasks without compromising quality."


Tell me about a challenging situation you encountered and how you resolved it.

This behavioral question evaluates candidates' problem-solving skills, resilience under pressure, and ability to adapt to unexpected challenges.

Example Response: "During a busy shift at a restaurant, a customer expressed dissatisfaction with a prolonged wait time and overcooked food. I promptly apologized and offered to remake the meal to her specifications. Additionally, I provided a complimentary dessert and a discount coupon for her next visit. By maintaining open communication and ensuring her satisfaction, I turned a challenging situation into a positive customer experience."


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