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Olympic 2024: Why Volunteer Experience is the Gold Medal on Resumes

Cheng Zhe Ying
by Cheng Zhe Ying
Jun 25, 2024 at 1:39 PM

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Get ready for an incredible spectacle!

The 2024 Olympic Games are just around the corner, kicking off in Paris on July 26th, 2024. It's a time when athletes from all corners of the world come together to compete in the spirit of sportsmanship and achievement. Behind the scenes, a remarkable team of 45,000 volunteers will be the heartbeat of the event, lending their time and energy to make it all happen. There are a wide variety of roles for volunteers at any experience level. These may take many forms and in many languages, with athletes and teams, with spectators, and during the competitions themselves. Roles may include customer service, press and communications, health services, technology, protocol and languages, transport, opening and closing ceremonies, operational support for the organising committee, sports events, etc. 

As London 2012 Organising Committee Chairman Lord Sebastian Coe put it, volunteers “are the lifeblood of the Olympic Games.”

Volunteering at such a monumental event isn't just about lending a hand—it's a transformative experience for individuals. It's a chance to develop crucial skills like problem-solving, collaboration, and leadership in a fast-paced environment unlike any other.

As employers, understanding the value of volunteer experience goes beyond the resume; it speaks volumes about a candidate's initiative, adaptability, and commitment to the community. It's about recognizing that the skills gained through volunteering—whether at the Olympics or elsewhere—are directly applicable to the challenges of today's workplace, making candidates with such experience an invaluable asset to any team.


Why is Volunteer Experience Important on a Resume?

As a recruiter or employer, understanding the full scope of a candidate’s background is crucial. Volunteer experience often reveals key insights that might not be immediately apparent from their professional history alone. Here’s why including volunteer work on a resume is so important and how it can benefit your hiring decisions:


1. Showcases a Well-Rounded Personality

Volunteer experience shows that a candidate is committed to making a positive impact beyond their personal and professional obligations. It reflects that they care about their community and are willing to put in the effort to contribute to the greater good. This kind of commitment is indicative of a well-rounded, empathetic individual, which can enhance the culture of your organization.

  • Example: A candidate who volunteers at a homeless shelter every weekend demonstrates compassion and dedication to improving their community. This kind of empathy can translate into a more supportive and understanding workplace environment.


2. Highlights Transferable Skills

The skills gained from volunteer work are often directly transferable to the workplace. For example, organizing a community fundraiser can develop project management skills, and assisting at a local shelter can enhance interpersonal and customer service skills. These experiences can fill gaps in a candidate’s professional history and show their ability to adapt and apply their skills in various settings.

  • Example: A candidate who has managed volunteers for a large charity event has likely developed strong organizational and leadership skills, which are directly applicable to roles that require project management and team coordination.


3. Indicates Strong Work Ethic and Initiative

Volunteering is often unpaid and done during a candidate's free time, which indicates a high level of dedication and initiative. This willingness to work hard without financial compensation suggests that the candidate is motivated by more than just a paycheck and is likely to bring a strong work ethic to their professional role.

  • Example: A candidate who consistently volunteers in various capacities demonstrates a proactive attitude and strong work ethic. This kind of self-motivation is beneficial in any job role, suggesting they will go above and beyond when necessary.


4. Enhances Cultural Fit and Values Alignment

Employers seek candidates who align with the company’s core values and culture. Volunteer experience can be a strong indicator of a candidate’s personal values and priorities. When a candidate’s values align with those of your organization, they are more likely to feel engaged and satisfied, leading to higher retention rates and a more harmonious workplace.

  • Example: If your company values environmental sustainability and a candidate has a history of volunteering for environmental causes, this alignment can indicate they will be passionate and committed to your company’s mission and values.


5. Provides Evidence of Soft Skills

Volunteer work often involves key soft skills such as communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and adaptability. These skills are essential in any workplace but can be difficult to demonstrate through traditional job experience alone. Highlighting volunteer work provides concrete examples of these abilities in action, making it easier to assess a candidate’s potential fit for your team.

  • Example: A candidate who has mediated conflicts as a volunteer coordinator has demonstrated strong communication and conflict-resolution skills, which are valuable in any team-oriented work environment.


6. Expands Professional Network

Through their volunteer activities, candidates often build a network of professional contacts. This network can lead to valuable job referrals and recommendations. Additionally, candidates with strong networks are often more resourceful and can bring new opportunities and connections to your organization.

  • Example: A candidate who has volunteered with industry-related organizations or events may have built relationships with professionals in the field, which could lead to beneficial collaborations or insights for your company.


7. Fills Employment Gaps

For candidates with gaps in their employment history, volunteer work can serve as a valuable filler. It shows that they remained active and engaged, continuing to develop relevant skills and contribute to meaningful causes. This continuous engagement reassures employers that the candidate is committed to their professional and personal growth.

  • Example: A candidate who took a career break to volunteer abroad can demonstrate adaptability, resilience, and a global perspective, which are all attractive qualities in a dynamic work environment.


8. Demonstrates Leadership Potential

Many volunteer roles involve leadership responsibilities, such as managing projects, coordinating teams, or organizing events. These experiences can showcase a candidate’s leadership potential, strategic thinking, and ability to motivate and guide others. Employers are always on the lookout for future leaders, and volunteer work can provide a glimpse into a candidate’s ability to take on such roles.

  • Example: A candidate who has led a volunteer team in a large-scale charity run has likely developed strategic planning and team management skills, indicating they have the potential to lead projects or teams within your organization.


How to Leverage Volunteer Experience in the Hiring Process

When reviewing resumes, it’s essential to look beyond traditional job titles and responsibilities. Here’s how employers and recruiters can effectively assess volunteer experience:


1. Understand the Context: Investigate the organization and the candidate's role within it. A leadership position in a reputable non-profit can be just as significant as a similar role in a corporate setting.

  • Tip: Look for well-known organizations or causes related to your industry or values, which can indicate relevant and impactful experiences.


2. Evaluate the Impact: Consider the scope and impact of the candidate’s volunteer work. What did they achieve? Did they lead significant initiatives or improvements? This can provide insight into their effectiveness and dedication.

  • Tip: Ask candidates to quantify their achievements, such as the number of events organized, funds raised, or people helped, to better understand the impact of their efforts.


3. Assess Skill Relevance: Identify the skills gained from volunteer experiences that are relevant to the job. This includes both hard skills (e.g., event planning, and fundraising) and soft skills (e.g., teamwork, and communication).

  • Tip: Match the skills highlighted in the volunteer work with those required for the role you're hiring for, ensuring a good fit.


4. Verify the Commitment: Look at the duration and consistency of the volunteer work. Long-term, committed volunteerism can indicate reliability and sustained passion more effectively than short-term involvement.

  • Tip: Consistent volunteer work over several years can indicate a stable and dedicated individual, as opposed to sporadic or one-off events.


5. Request References: Don’t hesitate to ask for references from volunteer organizations. These can provide additional insights into the candidate’s character and work ethic.

  • Tip: Volunteer references can often provide more personal insights into a candidate’s behavior, teamwork, and impact than professional references alone.


In conclusion, volunteer experience is a valuable aspect of a candidate’s resume that can provide deeper insights into their skills, values, and character. As employers and recruiters, recognizing and valuing these experiences can help you find well-rounded, motivated, and skilled candidates who will contribute positively to your organization.



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