#Human Resources #Recruitment & Hiring

25 ChatGPT Prompts to Streamline Employee Onboarding

Hong Yuan
by Hong Yuan
Oct 10, 2024 at 3:26 PM

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Employee onboarding is a crucial step in welcoming new hires and helping them adjust to their roles.  AI is also getting involved in onboarding procedures due to recent developments in technology. One powerful tool for this is ChatGPT, an AI chatbot that can assist in delivering information, answering questions, and guiding new employees through various stages of onboarding.

What is AI Onboarding?

AI onboarding involves using artificial intelligence tools like chatbots or automated systems to assist with the process of introducing new employees to a company. From informing about the company policies to creating individual training sessions, AI decreases the number of cases that would need manual input. AI onboarding tools, for instance, ChatGPT, will be able to create an interactive conversation with the employees since they will be using conversational interfaces.

Reasons to Use ChatGPT for Onboarding

ChatGPT can be a game changer for the onboarding process. Here are some reasons why companies are turning to AI chatbots like ChatGPT for onboarding:

  1. Efficiency: AI can provide real-time responses to employee questions, saving time for HR teams.
  2. Consistency: ChatGPT delivers the same information to all employees, ensuring consistency in onboarding procedures.
  3. 24/7 Availability: New hires can interact with ChatGPT at any time, making the onboarding process more flexible and accessible.
  4. Cost-effective: Using AI reduces the need for additional HR personnel to manage onboarding tasks.
  5. Customization: ChatGPT can offer personalized answers based on the specific needs and roles of each employee.

How to Use AI for Onboarding

Using ChatGPT for onboarding is straightforward and flexible, allowing you to create a personalized experience for your new hires. Here are some practical ways to incorporate ChatGPT into your onboarding process:

  • Answer Common Questions: ChatGPT can take care of those frequent questions new employees often ask, like details about company policies, benefits, or how to navigate procedures. This frees up time and ensures they get consistent information.
  • Interactive Training: With ChatGPT, new hires can complete self-paced training modules or quizzes. It’s like having a virtual trainer who’s always there to help.
  • Introduce Company Culture: ChatGPT can bring your company’s values, mission, and culture to life in a fun and engaging way, helping new hires feel more connected from day one.
  • Send Task Reminders: From submitting important documents to finishing up training, ChatGPT can send friendly reminders so nothing falls through the cracks during onboarding.
  • Track Progress: ChatGPT can keep an eye on how new hires are doing, offering personalised feedback and support based on their progress.

By integrating ChatGPT into your onboarding process, you can make it more engaging, efficient, and personalised for every new team member.


25 Effective ChatGPT Onboarding Prompts

Creating effective ChatGPT prompts for employee onboarding relies on knowing what your company needs. These categories and prompt examples help you tailor customized prompts that increase efficiency and engagement.

Welcome and Setup

  1. “Write a new employee welcome email to be sent to our entire team introducing [new hire name] and their role.”

  2. “Draft an email to [new hire name] detailing the steps for setting up their company email and essential logins.”

  3. “Create a virtual tour script for introducing new hires to our company’s facilities and departments.”

Employee Integration

  1. “Outline a template for a new hire questionnaire to learn about team members and their current projects.”

  2. “Generate a schedule for [new hire name]’s first one-on-one meeting with their manager.”

  3. “Create a summary of the projects the new hire will be working on, including key objectives and team members involved.”

Tools and Resources

  1. “Write a guide on the additional software, tools, and resources new hires may need and how to request them.”

  2. “Draft a step-by-step guide for setting up and using our internal communication systems.”

  3. “Create a tutorial on how to log hours and use our timesheet system effectively.”

Benefits and Compliance

  1. “Write a comparative summary of the health insurance plans available to employees.”

  2. “Draft an informational email about our 401(k) plans and company match options.”

  3. “Generate a guide on company security protocols and how new hires can access the building.”

Company Culture

  1. “Create a sign-up form and introduction to our employee resource groups.”

  2. “Draft an informational sheet about our company events and traditions for new hires.”

  3. “Write a detailed overview of our company values and how they are integrated into our work culture.”

Training and Development

  1. “Outline a prioritized list of training sessions and resources available for new hires.”

  2. “Draft an email to match new hires with potential mentors who have similar career goals.”

  3. “Create an informative guide on our employee review process and what new hires can expect.”

Feedback and Adjustment

  1. “Draft a preparation guide for new hires attending their first department meeting.”

  2. “Write a follow-up survey template for new hires to provide feedback on their onboarding experience.”

Company Policies and Procedures

  1. “Write a summary of the company’s code of conduct and explain key policies every new hire should know.”

  2. “Draft a step-by-step guide on how to report any workplace incidents or safety concerns.”

Team Collaboration

  1. “Create an introduction email for [new hire name] to be sent to their department, outlining their role and key skills.”

  2. “Write a checklist for new hires to prepare for their first team meeting, including key points to discuss.”

Career Development

  1. “Draft an email outlining the available career development programs and how new hires can sign up.”


AI onboarding through tools like ChatGPT is revolutionizing how companies welcome and train their employees. By automating responses, delivering personalized support, and being available around the clock, ChatGPT makes the onboarding process smoother for both the company and the employee. These 20 prompts are a great starting point for making onboarding more interactive, efficient, and engaging. As AI continues to evolve, its role in onboarding is only set to expand, benefiting organizations of all sizes.


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