#Human Resources

Consequences of Poor HR Management

Siti Khairina Mohd Fikri
by Siti Khairina Mohd Fikri
Nov 02, 2022 at 6:29 PM

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Human resource departments are vital to any company. This division is responsible for administering the administrative operations of the company. As a result, it substantially impacts all levels of the business. With effective Human Resource Management(HRM), the organization may avoid severe legal, financial, and productivity issues. In the end, these issues may lead to its failure. 


Let us explore more the consequences of inadequate human resource management.

High Turnover Rates

Poor HRM immediately affects the workforce. Employee discontent could be observed in the lack of competent human resource management. Consequently, employees will be more tempted to seek employment elsewhere. In this situation, addressing their reasons for leaving will require a trained HR professional to conduct an effective exit interview. With this meeting, someone would communicate vital information, and significant commercial concerns could be addressed. This will undoubtedly result in a high turnover rate.


Ineffective Hiring Procedure

Recruitment is a key aspect of any company, particularly one expanding rapidly. Frequently, an HR professional handles the company's hiring needs and conducts interviews with qualified individuals. With good HRM, companies may effectively manage this crucial process. This could lead to hiring individuals with serious criminal records, overstaffing or understaffing, or recruiting incompetent candidates.


Low Morale

Ineffective HRM is likely to affect all departments. These negative repercussions include employee friction, a lack of appreciation, poor training, and a lack of teamwork. Employees may feel that these unfavourable conditions will remain the same due to the absence of an efficient HRM strategy. As a result, staff morale will likely suffer.


Lost Business

A company's employees' contentment and job satisfaction substantially affect its success. The company loses time and money if employees routinely quit or are unproductive due to a poor work environment. In addition, the company would frequently need to go through the hiring and training processes while losing personnel with specialized business knowledge, preventing its expansion in general.


Legal Issues

Compliance with employment and labour rules is typically primarily the duty of human resources. In addition, they set policies that protect workers from unjust treatment. It is essential to have an approach that tackles these issues to prevent employees from feeling they are victims of wrongful termination, harassment, or discrimination. In the event of an incident, companies face significant legal challenges if their policies need to be correctly drafted, published, and updated.


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