#Human Resources #Recruitment & Hiring #Employer

Recruitment Process Checklist and Free Template

Mohamad Danial bin Ab Khalil
by Mohamad Danial bin Ab Khalil
Sep 17, 2022 at 11:58 PM

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Today, hiring talent is more competitive than ever. Now, it is more challenging to fill important positions. Companies of all sizes must create an effective recruitment process to draw in, find, and select candidates with the traits and skill set necessary to fit the team.


Do you need a recruitment process?

The hiring process includes all aspects of finding, selecting, and hiring the ideal candidates. You need an effective recruitment process to find the best candidates in today's market.

If your hiring procedure is effective, you should be able to draw in a group of qualified candidates. 


The 15 steps of a recruitment process checklist

Before you start hiring, you should create a checklist. Prioritise the qualities and traits that are most important and keep them in mind throughout the interviewing and onboarding processes.

Whether you can effectively find and hire candidates who will excel at their jobs depends on how well you structure your hiring process.


1. Determine which positions you need to fill

The need for new hires may result from the need to fill a recently or soon-to-be-vacant position or from the need to expand or strengthen a team. Open positions could result from recently filled positions, newly vacant positions, or leaving employees.

You might be given a lot of advance notice before a position opens, depending on the situation. Responsible people in key positions typically have an exit strategy and might even assist you in hiring their replacement. However, an opening may not always be anticipated due to illness, family problems, or other unforeseen circumstances.

Review job openings with your internal team to determine which positions you need to fill. It will shorten your time to fill, and your process will remain consistent if you use a hiring process checklist.


2. Set your budget and deadline

Establish a timeline for each stage of the hiring process and decide on the salary and other financial factors, such as a signing bonus or relocation budget, for each new position.

Prepare baseline success profiles for each crucial job role to hasten the hiring process and hire more effectively. You can establish baselines by testing your top performers and identifying the traits and qualities most essential to success in the role. 

Once success profiles have been established, you are prepared to start a hiring campaign when a position becomes available.


3. Write the job description

A good job description outlines the duties and requirements for the open position. You will use it to create an advertisement that draws candidates with the abilities and credentials you require.


4. Advertise the job 

Writing a job ad should be done to attract candidates who will value their careers, succeed, and be proud to work for your business. Your job posting should include information about your company's culture and the necessary education and skills. The best hires are also a good fit for your team.

You will have to decide where and how to look for candidates during this stage of the hiring process. You probably already have your eye on employees within your company who have the potential to advance. You will reach a wider audience by advertising the job online.


5. Conduct and evaluate applicant assessments

Before you waste money and time interviewing unsuitable candidates, it is critical to have a structure in place to evaluate applicants once applications pour in. 

Pre-employment testing determines whether a candidate possesses the abilities and temperament most conducive to job success.


6. Narrow down your applicant pool

Pre-employment testing data can help you quickly reduce a large pool of applicants to a shortlist of candidates with genuine potential. Data makes it simple to find potential hires who fit your baseline for job success and satisfy all of your requirements. By taking this action, less time is wasted.


7. Conduct preliminary phone screenings

A preliminary phone interview between an HR representative and a shortlisted candidate should be on your recruitment process checklist. You can verify the applicant's credentials, find out about any gaps in their resume, and discuss your company's culture and values over the phone. A face-to-face interview will be the next step if the phone interview goes well.


8. Conduct candidate interviews

Interviews conducted in person have changed recently. Remote work was on the rise even before the pandemic. There are some difficulties when conducting in-person interviews via video call as it is more challenging to read body language and detect deceptive behaviours. Effective interview questions are crucial when you conduct a face-to-face or video interview.

Interviewing is not always simple. Candidates want to tell you what you want to hear and provide you with the information you want to see. There are many potential pitfalls in interviews that you should be aware of. Prepare your interview checklist and look for red flags, prepared responses, and deceptive behaviour.

To make the assessment process easier after the interview, you might want to take notes and record your impressions.


9. Select the best candidates and present them

Your team will need to evaluate each applicant after the interviews before making a choice. Assuming that all the qualifications are comparable, use your notes to reduce the list of candidates further and see if they offer anything unique. 

For instance, a recent graduate with a psychology minor could bring a unique perspective to a marketing position.

Decide which candidates will advance to the interview stage after compiling and sharing your department heads' notes.


10. Hold candidate selection interviews

The initial interviewer and other interested parties, such as the department manager, team leader, and other HR department team members, frequently form a small panel for the candidate selection interview. To make the best decision possible, the team conducts a high-level interview with the shortlisted candidates.

Multiple sources of additional feedback can support the original interviewer's assessment and may reveal problems or inconsistencies that were missed during the initial interview.


11. Run references and background checks

You have selected your top candidate and at least one backup candidate by the time you reach this hiring process stage. Next, it is time to check references, look up the applicant's credit history, and look for any suspicious activity on social media. 

If your preferred candidate gives false information about themselves, a thorough background check will show what they are hiding.


12. Make a job offer and sign the contract

You must write an offer letter once you have decided on the candidate. It should contain information about the benefits and perks offered to employees in addition to the salary. Exceptional candidates may look at other opportunities, so make sure your offer is appealing. The candidate might also wish to bargain. Once the specifics have been worked out, write a contract to formalise your agreement.


13. Inform additional applicants

Follow-up with unsuccessful job applicants is crucial. If you keep track of the individuals you shortlisted, you can contact them later if a different position becomes available. 

After the interview process, responding is a customary courtesy that might make prior candidates more receptive to a future offer.


14. Prepare the onboarding paperwork

There is always paperwork to complete and data to gather before your new hire can start working. For instance, you will need to ask the employee to complete tax forms, set up direct deposit if necessary, and give copies of their identification cards.

At the same meeting, you can review the employee handbook and, if required, issue a security badge. The process will go more smoothly and effectively if everything is prepared in advance.


15. Start the onboarding and trial period

Finally, the new employee shows up for work. Most employers have a probationary period to ensure the employee is adjusting to the job. It is crucial to make the new hire feel at home and comfortable, especially in the beginning. Ensure they have all the tools and resources required to complete the task.

You want to do everything in your power to ensure the success of new hires because the hiring process is time-consuming and expensive. Making the right decision will increase productivity, employee satisfaction, and office harmony.

Make a checklist to track the new hire's development for up to six months. Review the work, speak with the employee and your coworkers, and note any problematic areas. Ensure they receive the ongoing instruction and mentoring they require, if applicable.


Recruitment process checklist template

Recruitment Process Checklist
Recruitment Process Checklist Template
Click here to download the template


If you have a thorough recruitment process checklist in place, you will be ready to go as soon as a vacancy arises.