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Why Small Business Owners Should Really Hire A Marketing Expert

by Danial
Nov 23, 2018 at 5:42 PM

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It’s not easy to be a small business owner; it’s challenging to create a business and keep it afloat. Did you know that almost 50% of new small business don’t survive past the first five years? Small business owners pour their heart and soul into something that could fail, making them very invested in its success.

However, this is also why small business owners are reluctant to let others get involved and handle a portion of their business. You are used to doing everything yourself, but in reality it’s not possible to continue doing so.

This is why, regardless of your budget, you should consider hiring a marketing professional. Here are a few reasons why:


1. Marketing is a full-time job

Entrepreneurs are smart, savvy and usually great at learning new skills. Yes, you could learn everything you need to know to plan and execute effective marketing campaigns, but in all honesty, you don’t have time for that.

Modern marketing is complex and requires a wide variety of skills and knowledge that takes years to acquire. Your business can’t move forward smoothly until you have learned everything you need to know about digital marketing.

You also need to focus your time and energy on activities only you can do. Marketing is crucial to your business’s long-term success. But it’s a full-time job, and you already have one: running your company.


2. Hiring a marketing expert saves time and money

The number one reason why business owners don’t want to hire marketing experts is the cost. They often think that because they can write and use social media, they will do just fine. But that backfires when they spend time on content and money on advertising, only to get little or none on investment.

The upfront cost of hiring someone depends on their experience, but the long-term benefits of having a marketing professional on your team, plus the return of your marketing investments will save money in the long run.

If you just established your business and can’t afford to hire a full-time marketing expert, you can try hiring freelancers instead. This can be a great option for website copy or consistent posts for your blog.


3. It’s a chance to learn and grow

If you are interested in learning more about marketing, hiring someone can enhance your own learning. They can teach you tips and tricks your competitors may not know. You should know that you can learn quicker from an expert than learning on your own.

Marketing executives know more ways on how you can acquire new customers, for example, using your existing customer base for referrals and cultivating social media relationships.


4. Social media marketing is complex

Every modern marketing strategy needs a social media component. It’s the perfect way to build engagement, create word-of-mouth for your brand awareness, and tell engaging stories that help sell products. Unfortunately, social media marketing is complex and extremely competitive.

Do you know that we are exposed to about 5,000 ads a day? In order to cut through those noises and get noticed, you need dedicated and creative social media managers to create great content and promote it.

A marketing expert can help you navigate this area of the digital realm and get ahead of competitors who are still doing their own lacklustre social media posting.

But how? Well, a digital marketing expert possesses the analytical and social skills to swiftly identify your target audience and better understand who your customers are and what they need.

They can also assist you get your customers’ attention by using your social media channels in the most effective way possible.


If you’re still reluctant in hiring a marketing expert, think about this: No one will buy your product or service if they don’t know it exists.

Marketing experts know how to get a company noticed and can jump right in on implementing new strategies. It will take a few months to see the results of these strategies, but the investment will pay off in the end.

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This article is based on Don't Go It Alone: The Case for Hiring a Marketing Expert by Ryan Ayers.